
What have you got to lose?

I'm so glad you're here

I’ve covered every facet of wellness but it’s my 12WBT program that’s nearest to my heart. First of its kind globally, it’s dominated weight loss in Australia for the last 15 years. And that’s because it works.

If you’re ready, let me support your journey to better health. Together, we’ve got this.

Mish Xx

How does it work?

Well, I’m glad you asked.



Over 1,300 recipes
Tailor meal plans and shopping 
lists to suit your preferences.



Progress not perfection
Workout anywhere, anytime 
and with minimal equipment.



Motivational support
Rewire the patterns that hold 
you back from lasting change.



Meet your members
We start together, finish together 
and support each other.

12 weeks to transform your life

From $9.99 per week

'It's actually quite fun!'

‘There’s something magical about being organised – I just followed along. Weekly shopping lists, weigh-ins and watching my progress. It was like playing a game – 
and I was winning all the way!’

Steph, Paddington

Choose a program to suit your goals

Choose from 16 different 12WBT programs built with your age, goal and fitness level in mind.

From $9.99 per week


To become a member and join the 12WBT team for a single round it’s either a one-off up front payment of $159 or 12 weekly instalments of $19.99 ($239.88 in total). 
To become a 12WBT Lifestyle member you can choose between the below options:

  • A 12-month membership which is either an upfront payment of $519 or weekly installments of $9.99.
  • A 6-month membership is an upfront payment of $259.

12WBT is a unique online exercise, nutrition and mindset program. Whether you want to lose weight, get stronger, learn to run, train for a half marathon or get in shape during menopause – 12WBT has a program for you!

As a member of a 12WBT Round, you are supported by our team of experts. Each specific round of 12WBT comprises of 4 weeks of Pre-Season followed by 12 weeks of nutrition, exercise and mindset content.

During Pre-Season you will receive access to Pre-Season Tasks to lay the foundations for a successful 12 weeks to follow, plus access to the entire 12WBT Recipe and Exercise Index, Workout Videos and Express Workouts so you can start testing out some of our delicious meals and exciting exercises.

During the 12 weeks following the Pre-Season period, you will receive weekly Meal Plans, Exercise Plans and Shopping Lists.

Plus My Tracker and My Stats pages so you can track your food, exercise, mindset and measurements, to stay accountable and responsible for your progress.

12WBT is designed so that everyone starts together and finishes the program together.

We can confirm the dates for the next rounds as follows:

  • June 2024 – Pre-Season started on May 6th and the round kicks off on June 3rd, 2024.
  • July 2024 – Pre-Season starts on June 3rd and the round kicks off on July 1st, 2024.

12WBT Lifestyle is our newest membership option for those wanting to access multiple rounds per year or for those wanting yearly access to the 12WBT recipes and workouts, plus other exciting content.

As well as the features of the Michelle Bridges 12WBT program, as a 12WBT Lifestyle member you will have access to:

  • Specific ready-made meal plans and shopping lists which can be accessed at any time
  • Quick dynamic new workouts to do at home
  • Nutrition and Workout Hacks
  • Access to 4-week programs, with new regular releases throughout the year